Vous ne savez pas comment les belges et les suisses percoivent les francais? Voila des exemples:
"Après avoir créé la France, dieu trouva que c'était le plus beau pays du
monde. Ca allait faire des jaloux. Alors, pour rétablir l'équilibre, il a
créé les français."
"Pourquoi en France, dit-on : 'Aller aux toilettes', alors qu'en Belgique,
on dit : 'Aller à la toilette'?
- Parce qu'en France, il faut en faire plusieurs avant d'en trouver une
"Vous savez comment on fait pour sauver un français de la noyade ?
- Non, ben tant mieux."
"Quelle est la différence entre Nelson Mandela et un membre du
gouvernement français ?
- Nelson Mandela a été en prison AVANT d'être élu."
"Pourquoi les français ont-ils VRAIMENT des raisons d'être fiers d'être
champions du monde ?
- Parce que c'est bien la première fois qu'ils arrivent à baiser les
Brésiliens ailleurs qu'au bois de Boulogne."
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
the sandal prejudice

will I ever convince them, that not all Germans wear socks in their sandals? It does not seem so.
Since we have steadily over 30 degrees, it really pays off wearing sandals, of course without socks. Apparently, Germans are known all over the world for their foot culture.
Next prejudice entry: why there is a 500 Euros bill..
Monday, July 11, 2005
St. Tropez: Image and reality
Been to St. Tropez last week-end. Spent an excellent time on the peninsula, however, the famous town itself was way below expectations. I know, I know, it is July, thus holiday season, thus lots of people everywhere, especially in the most known spots, but if you actually live in one of those spots, you are still surprised by the additional hype generated by some yachts.
First post: what is the Mistral?
The Mistral is what characterises the ambience in the Provence, weather and also the mood of the people highly depend on it.
It is also responsible for surprises to unknowing, as water temperature can drop (in the sea as well as pools) by about 10 degrees in very short time. Be prepared!
It is also responsible for surprises to unknowing, as water temperature can drop (in the sea as well as pools) by about 10 degrees in very short time. Be prepared!
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